Saturday 27 September 2014

SLOG week 3

   I have greatly enjoyed the course up to this point. This unit is on implication and boolean algebra. I enjoy using it to make concrete sense out of concepts that previously seemed to be very human. Of course, implication is something that is ubiquitous in human interactions and thought; almost any statement contains something resembling a "P implies Q" implication.
   I am surprised at how much I am enjoying the first assignment. The exhilaration of problem solving that Danny mentioned in the first class is very real; slowly pulling apart each statement given in assignment 1, discerning what is and what is not able to be said with logical certainty, is great.
   One of the things I noticed when it comes to this course is that Danny has taught us quite effectively about being conservative with our statements. When moving through each question, I am very confident in identifying what is and is not true. In previous years, I might have felt satisfied with merely suspecting the validity of my answers. In this course, I am able to analyse my thoughts on the questions, stopping after every antecedent, consequent, etc. to reflect on whether or not I could say each thing, not only with confidence, but  with certainty.

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