So, I completed Assignment 3. Of course, I badly messed up Assignment 2, but still, I found Assignment 3 fairly doable.
The questions were all proofs. I think I have refined my proof technique, so they went okay for me. The proofs using the limits I particularly enjoyed, because I really enjoy bringing one mathematical definition (such as for a limit) into a proof for a different concept, and actually being able to take variables from one and put them into another and seeing that the math fits so beautifully together. It is a great way to see just how math is not in any way arbitrary; it is derived basically from logic, and it is always true. Studying big O might seem forced and obscure, but seeing the limit definition and then playing around with it in the big O proof put it all the perspective of maths being a collective, interconnected topic.
The exam is a week tomorrow. I think I have done okay in the course, and I have worked hard enough on my major mistakes that I think they will help me study, really. If I had to make one guess about on what will I most focus when studying, I would say Big O proofs and Computability and algorithm complexity. Those are the only things that still seem sort of rough to me, though I have got through all the examples I have seen okay.
Overall, then, I can say that I really enjoyed this course. The assignments were fascinating and, luckily, I did well in general. I look forward to more maths.
Taking a look at some other SLOGS, I found this one (check out the last post, from yesterday, Dec 1) which I think is sort of funny. They talk about how they are doing MAT137 right now, so the induction we've been going over is not much help. I agree; I did MAT137 last year, which had a whole unit on induction (also at the very end of the course--not sure why induction is such a end-of-year kind of topic), so I have not really been informed of anything that I did not already know. Otherwise, this person talks about their confusion with regards to computability and halting and all that. I would agree with that as well; it is a strange, obscure topic for us who are just getting introduced to Comp Sci. Perhaps in the future, the class should cut out the induction and focus more on making the computability and halting topics make sense to the students? Oh well, just a thought.
SLOG OUUUUUTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! have a good future and bye forever :)
Glad the course is going well for you! Good luck on your exam tmw :)